Friday, January 13, 2006

A Question About Winter

If the weather is so goddamn nice today, why do I want to kill myself? Because it's January in Montreal and for some reason it's above zero degrees Celsius and the birds are singing an untimely song that might just trick the trees into blooming so early that all the bumble bees will die! This is not how it should be! Something's not right! Everything's not right! Please, for chrissake! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it be so friggin cold I can gleefully bitch about how hideous it is outside and how much I hate winter! At least then I'd know that a natural springtime is just around the corner and not some sort of ecological doomsday! Oh, but maybe it's only an anomaly, maybe it means nothing....Right! How many of the warmest years on record have been recorded in the latter half of the last century and the early part of the present one? Seems there was a blip like this in 1950, 10 plus degrees Celsius. Was that too early to be global warming? Was that a blip whereas this is a symptom? How can we be sure it's not? Whatever happened to better safe than sorry?!

By the way, get out there an enjoy, it's really nice outside today!


Blogger Blog Monkey said...

maybe the blip in the 50's has to do with the dropping of two nuclear bombs and the massive industrial spurt as they rebuilt europe?

11:35 a.m.  
Blogger Sinkchicken said...

Thanks for cheering up my tattered soul!

1:59 p.m.  
Blogger Angela said...

Quit your complaining, it's -15 here....

Lucky bum.

2:55 p.m.  
Blogger Blog Monkey said...

it's -18 now. happy?

10:17 a.m.  
Blogger Sinkchicken said...

No, not exactly happy, (like I said, rather be able to bitch about it than have it make me want to put a gun to my temple) but at least the fear that there is no future for my children is dissipating somewhat....but....

Alas, with the advent of the "predict-o-tron", or whatever the hell type gadget it is that they use to foretell the weather of the future, I see that they have divined an increase in temperature by tomorrow, back up into the pluses and rain for the rest of the week! Who said global warming was gonna be a smooth ride!

9:42 a.m.  

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