Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Now that I have been offered a connection to the World Wide Web, I have happily accepted to partake in the form of communication called weblogs (though my other options are somewhat limited given my confinement and ungainly physigonomy). I was introduced to this practice by a rather abrupt chap, posessing an odour not quite as foul as my first house guest (see previous post). He has decided upon the nom de plume, for reasons known only to him, Blog Monkey. The details of our first encounter need not be sketched out at this time, suffice it to say we became fast friends, at least from where I sit, and after some queries on my part, that seemed lost on him, and strange demands of future promises on his, he provided me with a laptop computer, which, as the name suggests, conveniently rests quite securely and comfortably upon my crossed-legs. He also allows me internet access. I took naturally to the keyboard and now here I am, with you, whomever you are, perhaps no one is listening? (No matter, it is as if now I were that radio upstairs that I have lived with since before I could support my own enormous head, chattering away to anyone or no one without possiblity of ever having a sign that I am being understood.)And here I shall stay until fate throws me another curve pitch and I find myself hurtling off down another serendipitous avenue, meeting yet another facet of the Universe and Its mysteries, all from the confines of my trusty sink (have sink, will travel?). Please read something from Blog Monkey's blog at www.chimpzilla.blogspot.com (this fulfills one of the promises he made me swear to). I have placed a link on the right hand side of this page so that you may find him with the click of your mice (yet another of the 27 promises to check off my list already!). He believes himself rather drole, so please resist your fear of his evident viciousnes and try to laugh alongside him from time to time, or at least when he is within earshot.


Blogger Blog Monkey said...


is that enormous with an extra helping? can it really be so large?

keep em coming, basin-bird.

2:21 p.m.  
Blogger Sinkchicken said...

Jokes on you electronic-word-ape! I corrected my post so now your reference makes absolutely no sense which makes you look like you're on crack and weed and possibly milk producing stimulant for cows all at the same time! Whereas I look like I'm looking at the others going, huh, wha? What the hell's he going on about!? Dingdong! Bingo! I win.

2:48 p.m.  
Blogger Blog Monkey said...

you son of a-

you have smelly fingers.

5:35 p.m.  
Blogger Blog Monkey said...

would you put a new post up already?

write about your dreams. they're pretty weird.

4:33 p.m.  

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