Just a Book Plug

Not really much of a post, just wanted to recommend a good book.
I'm about 20 pages from finishing it and it has been quite an experience.
It's called A Scientific Romance by Ronald Wright (a novel). It is part hommage to H.G. Wells (he also makes a brief appearance in the book) and part fictional rendition of current thought on where our species is going and what could happen even only a short time in the future. Wright has also written other non-fiction books about the rise and fall of civilizations and the history of the colonization of the Americas (I've also read his A Short History of Progress, also very good, highly readable). This one is basically about the end of our current civilization and its aftermath. Kind of depressing I suppose, though not sure that it will end that way (I can't really see a light at the end of the tunnel however). It isn't as dark as say "1984" but just as shocking (in some ways because it seems more plausible and less metaphoric). A reminder why the presence and experience of works of fiction and the imagination are important and necessary to contextualise the works of non-fiction and the bare facts.
Looks like a good book.
Wow! I thought i was one of the 2 people that read that book. It was indeed a good read, if a little sad. Did they ever steal parts of it in "The Time Machine" movie remake! But totally got it wrong. This book would have made a fine film.
ooops...that above Anonymous comment was from me (clicked the wrong box)
Another fine book you should read is "The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. It's one of the best books I've read in years and an amazing first novel.
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